Napoli HM 2019

I started this journey after the acknowledgement I will be running in September my 15th half marathon in 4 years. There is not much remarkable in this, as many runners (I don’t dare to consider myself one of those, if not a lazy one!) are clearly able to run more, faster than me.

But in reality, running is simply a competition with (and not against) ourselves: the sense of achievement when pushing our own limits, when we set the bar higher, when we try something we would not dare to try weeks before… this is not only one of the main reasons to (literally) keep going, but also an unspoken bond between runners.

But what I have found truly appealing and compelling is the combination of running and travelling: as I write now, I have been running half marathons in 12 different countries, experiencing several events and I would like to describe these experiences for some of you: you might find it useful, or it will be simply give you some memories of past events. I like to organize travelling groups (where not everyone has to run but everybody must have fun!

I will also try to give some general running good advices (I am not a specialist, so nothing more than good practices). My dream scenario? To turn this blog into a community of people loving running and travelling as much as I do.

So please lace your shoes, it is time to start!



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